Links to Tutorials and Labs

Week Tutorial Lab
1 Questions Exercises
2 Questions Exercises
3 Questions Exercises
4 Questions Exercises
5 Questions Exercises
6 No classes this week
7 Project check-ins only (no labs, no tutorials)
8 Questions Exercises
9 Questions Exercises
10 Questions Exercises

Solutions Release

When tutorial and lab solutions are released, we will release them by pushing a solutions branch to the appropriate repo.

Tutorial solutions are released at the end of the week of the tutorial (e.g. week 5 tutorial solutions released at the end of week 5).

Lab solutions are released at the end of the week after the lab is due (e.g. week 5 lab solutions released at the end of week 6).

Issues accessing resources

If you click on a link below, and you receive a 404 message, it means that the tutorial or lab has yet to be released/pushed to your workspace.

Resource created Wednesday 27 January 2021, 04:14:21 PM, last modified Sunday 07 February 2021, 04:44:05 PM.

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