This is a short guide that highlights all of the tools & setup you need to be familiar with to settle into COMP1531. If you have any feedback please post on the forum.

1. Coding Environment

There are 3 main tools that you need to work with the majority of tasks in COMP1531. All of these 3 tools are already built-in to VLAB (remote access to a CSE machine).

If you are coding on your own local machine (i.e. not using vlab) then you will have to install these yourself.

The main tools are:

  • Python
    • Python is used to write programs. You write the programs in a text editor and typically run them via command line.
    • For local installs, you will have to google how to install python on your machine/version.
    • We use Python version 3.7.3 in this course. If you use other versions (preferably newer), please ensure it also works on the CSE machines where python3 is the appropriate version.
    • For local machine python installation:
  • Git
    • Git is used for version control. It allows you to keep track & store your labs & group project.
    • Git is the program that allows you to manage repositories on your computer and communicate with gitlab (the cloud where your work is stored)
    • For local machine git installation:
      • On linux, run sudo apt install git in a terminal
      • On mac, run brew install python3 in a terminal
      • On windows, install WSL and install it as you would on linux
  • Text Editor
    • Text editors are used to write python code in the course
    • Common editors include:
      • VSCode (Already installed on Vlab, compatible on all local systems) (Recommended)
      • Sublime Text (Can be installed on Vlab, compatible on all local systems)
      • PyCharm (Not usable on Vlab, compatible on all local systems)
      • Gedit (Already installed on Vlab, though only available on linux locally) (Not Recommended)
      • many more...

2. Course Work

  • Youtube
    • Lectures videos are recorded and uploaded to Youtube and can be found here .
    • Lectures cover the bulk of the content taught in the course
  • Gitlab
    • This is the tool where all your code for Tutorials, Labs, Major Project.
    • Git is a programmers tool for version control (like history tracker) and collaboration (like dropbox / onedrive)
    • You have a series of "git repositories":
      • 1 for all of lectures/tutorials (read-only)
      • 50~ git repositories for all of the lab activities throughout the course
      • 1 shared repository for your group

3. Communication

There are three main communication platforms that are used in this course, and they can all be used without downloading any native applications:

  • Zoom
  • Blackboard Collaborate
    • This is used only for help sessions .
    • You can login into the COMP1531 moodle page, and then find the "Blackboard Collaborate" link which will open up Blackboard Collaborate. From there, there will be a single call named "Help Session" which will have tutors in it at the times listed on the help session timetable.
  • Microsoft Teams
    • This is used only for communicating with your other group members for the major project .
    • You can connect to Microsoft teams by going here . Every UNSW student can log into Microsoft teams using their zid/zpassword
  • EdStem
    • This is used for the course forum.
    • You can login to Ed by clicking the link on the sidebar . Ed is where you can ask literally any and all questions you have in 1531. Generally this is the place to go if you are outside your lab and outside a help session.

Other resources

The following resources may help you gain a better understanding of python and/or git.

Resource created Wednesday 27 January 2021, 04:14:25 PM, last modified Saturday 18 September 2021, 01:42:22 PM.

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