This is a short guide that highlights all of the tools &
setup you need to be familiar with to settle into COMP1531. If
you have any feedback please post on the forum.
1. Coding Environment
There are 3 main tools that you need to work with the majority
of tasks in COMP1531. All of these 3 tools are already
built-in to VLAB (remote access to a CSE machine).
If you are coding on your own local machine (i.e. not using
vlab) then you will have to install these yourself.
The main tools are:
Python is used to write programs. You write the programs
in a text editor and typically run them via command
For local installs, you will have to google how to
install python on your machine/version.
We use Python version 3.7.3 in this course. If you use
other versions (preferably newer), please ensure it also
works on the CSE machines where
is the appropriate version.
For local machine python installation:
Git is used for version control. It allows you to keep
track & store your labs & group project.
Git is the program that allows you to manage
repositories on your computer and communicate with
gitlab (the cloud where your work is stored)
For local machine git installation:
On linux, run
sudo apt install git
in a terminal
On mac, run
brew install python3
in a terminal
On windows,
install WSL
and install it as you would on linux
Text Editor
Text editors are used to write python code in the course
Common editors include:
(Already installed on Vlab, compatible on all local
systems) (Recommended)
Sublime Text
(Can be installed on Vlab, compatible on all local
(Not usable on Vlab, compatible on all local
Gedit (Already installed on Vlab, though only
available on linux locally) (Not Recommended)
- many more...
2. Course Work
Lectures videos are recorded and uploaded to Youtube and
can be found
Lectures cover the bulk of the content taught in the
This is the tool where all your code for Tutorials,
Labs, Major Project.
Git is a programmers tool for version control (like
history tracker) and collaboration (like dropbox /
You have a series of "git repositories":
- 1 for all of lectures/tutorials (read-only)
50~ git repositories for all of the lab activities
throughout the course
- 1 shared repository for your group
3. Communication
There are three main communication platforms that are used in
this course, and they can all be used without downloading any
native applications:
This is used only for
tutorials and labs
You can connect to relevant zoom calls by choosing your
class link on the
tutorials and labs timetable
Blackboard Collaborate
This is used only for
help sessions
You can login into the COMP1531 moodle page, and then
find the "Blackboard Collaborate" link which will open
up Blackboard Collaborate. From there, there will be a
single call named "Help Session" which will have tutors
in it at the times listed on the help session timetable.
Microsoft Teams
This is used only for
communicating with your other group members for the
major project
You can connect to Microsoft teams by going
. Every UNSW student can log into Microsoft teams using
their zid/zpassword
- This is used for the course forum.
You can login to Ed by clicking the
link on the sidebar
. Ed is where you can ask literally any and all
questions you have in 1531. Generally this is the place
to go if you are outside your lab and outside a help
Other resources
The following resources may help you gain a better
understanding of python and/or git.
Resource created
Wednesday 27 January 2021, 04:14:25 PM, last modified
Saturday 18 September 2021, 01:42:22 PM.