The latest release of marks has been 2am on the 17th of April.

A number of corrections with mark calculations have been made at this time. Marks are subject (in either direction) if errors are found in the calculation of results.


  • Some iteration 2 marks have been released and are visible on the grades page .
  • iteration2 (/100) = iteration2_auto + iteration2_manual
  • iteration2_auto (/50) = iteration2_auto_coverage +
    iteration2_auto_grouptest_groupserver +
    iteration2_auto_grouptest_courseserver +
    iteration2_auto_coursetest_groupserver +
  • iteration2_auto_coverage (/4.5) : Your scaled mark for a coverage score expectation of 99%
  • iteration2_auto_grouptest_groupserver (/5) : Success of your tests when running against your server
  • iteration2_auto_grouptest_courseserver (5.5) : Success of your tests when running against our server
  • iteration2_auto_coursetest_groupserver (/31.5) : Success of your server running against our tests
    • NOTE: When we run our tests, we actaully calculate a mark out of "35" and then anyone who scores above 31.5/35 gets full marks. This is once again to boost the entire course up to account for the likely one or two tests that don't function correctly.
  • iteration2_auto_pylint : Your pylint score when pylinting your code.
  • iteration2_manual (/50): All of the non-automarking marks that your tutor awarded. You can discuss these marks with them.
    • This mark will be released on Friday evening of week 9

Results from automatic results

For the auto results, once released, you can see the output of these in the following files in a branch on your repo called iter2-results :

  • results_coursetests_groupserver_server.txt: The output from your server when testing OUR pytests against your server code.
  • results_coursetests_groupserver_tests.txt: The output from OUR pytests when testing OUR pytests against your server code.
  • results_coverage.txt: The output from us running coverage when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_grouptest_courseserver_server.txt: The output from OUR server when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_grouptest_courseserver_test.txt: The output from your pytests when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_grouptest_groupserver_server.txt: The output from your server when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_grouptest_groupserver_tests.txt: The output from your pytests when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_pylint.txt: The output from us running pylint

If you have discovered a minor error in your iteration 2 code that you think could drastically improve your mark (e.g. bad imports), then make a new branch off your iteration 2 branch called "iter2-fix" and make the fixes on that branch. During a project check-in share this branch with your tutor so they can re-run the automarker to see if you gain the extra marks.

Note: For every unique change you make to your code, we will remove 1/3 of the marks off your OVERALL new automark result (i.e. the mark out of 50) - so please don't waste time trying to make tiny tweaks to your code to gain a mark or two. Just learn from your mistakes! :)

Resource created Saturday 10 April 2021, 04:54:17 PM, last modified Saturday 17 April 2021, 01:55:52 AM.

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