The latest release of marks has been 1am on the 2nd of April. Marks are subject to change.


  • Some iteration 3 marks have been released and are visible on the grades page .
  • iteration3 (/100) = iteration3_auto + iteration3_manual
  • iteration3_auto (/50) = iteration3_auto_coverage +
    iteration3_auto_grouptest_groupserver +
    iteration3_auto_grouptest_courseserver +
    iteration3_auto_coursetest_groupserver +
  • iteration3_auto_coverage (/3) : Your scaled mark for a coverage score expectation of 99%
  • iteration3_auto_grouptest_groupserver (/3) : Success of your tests when running against your server
  • iteration3_auto_grouptest_courseserver (/4) : Success of your tests when running against our server
  • iteration3_auto_coursetest_groupserver (/36) : Success of your server running against our tests
    • NOTE: When we run our tests, we actaully calculate a mark out of about 40 and then anyone who scores above 36 gets full marks. This is once again to boost the entire course up to account for the likely one or two tests that don't function correctly.
  • iteration3_auto_pylint (/4) : Your pylint score when pylinting your code.
  • iteration3_manual (/50): All of the non-automarking marks that your tutor awarded. You can discuss these marks with them.
    • This mark will be released late in week 11 (wait for a course notice)

Results from automatic results

For the auto results, once released, you can see the output of these in the following files in a branch on your repo called iter3-results :

  • results_coursetests_groupserver_server.txt: The output from your server when testing OUR pytests against your server code.
  • results_coursetests_groupserver_tests.txt: The output from OUR pytests when testing OUR pytests against your server code.
  • results_coverage.txt: The output from us running coverage when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_grouptest_courseserver_server.txt: The output from OUR server when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_grouptest_courseserver_test.txt: The output from your pytests when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_grouptest_groupserver_server.txt: The output from your server when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_grouptest_groupserver_tests.txt: The output from your pytests when testing your pytests against your server code.
  • results_pylint.txt: The output from us running pylint

If you have discovered a minor error in your iteration 3 code that you think could drastically improve your mark (e.g. bad imports), then make a new branch off your iteration 3 branch called "iter3-fix" and make the fixes on that branch. Then email with your group name, branch name, and what particular automark you need re-run. Please allow for up to 7 days to receive a reply . Any changes will incur a 33% penalty on the overall automarks. This means that any code changes and re-runs will reduce your automark by 16 marks out of the total 50. Generally speaking, this means we will only re-run people's code if errors have caused them to get very low marks.

Resource created Wednesday 21 April 2021, 11:35:07 PM.

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